Rixt Strikwerda

A professional therapist and gives you her expertise from tantra tradition, systemic work, body-oriented professional therapy, trauma release, pelvic-heart connection, inner child work, kundalini flow work & tantra massage. Working from safety with knowledge of the wheel of consent and polyvagal theory are the foundation.

During this Tantra festival Rixt Strikwerda gives workshops for singles and (occasional) couples in a playful and transcendent connecting journey through the body. Subtle, loving, in-depth and respectful of your own boundaries and the space of the other. Through THE ART OF YOU she likes to inspire you with her knowledge, energy and wisdom in a playful loving way.

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A curious facilitator with a passion for self-transformation and behavioural embodied change.

She holds a MSc in Psychology, is a certified Tantra Yoga Teacher. She started off her career in Corporate Leadership Development & Change Management, at the world’s largest consulting firm. Until her bare feet took her on yet another trip around the world. Facilitating transformational retreats across 3 continents, as a lead facilitator at Magic of Love Global.

As the founder of Kabira, she currently facilitates self development retreats and events and coaches couples and individuals.
She is passionate about bringing systems into alignment. Into truth. Brining the unspoken to the light. Welcoming herself and others to live their full embodied potential.

Her approach is integrative and total. She has a sharp eye for opportunities for expansion. Working the mind, body and soul in a joyful play of breath, movement, honesty, dance and meditation.

Others describe her and her work as sensitive, down-to-earth, intuitive, joyful, powerful and transformational.

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Esther van Voorst

An expert on yoga for women. Her work is inspired by her teacher Francoice Freedman, founder of Birthlight. Esther's work is characterized by a form of yoga that is more specifically aimed at improving the well-being of women in all life cycle stages.

“Yoga came on my path about 20 years ago and has not let go of me since. I am fascinated by the feminine primal force, the source of infinite life energy, which resides in our pelvic area. In the last 15 years I have followed training courses in the field of yoga, breath, body-oriented psychotherapy, mystical dance, biodanza, meditation, tantra, bioenergetics and free movement. All these movements are a huge inspiration for my own yoga practice and the courses I give. In my yoga classes I interweave all these elements with the focus on connecting with our primal power, our life energy. This is the foundation from which creation arises. It is the primal source from which our beautiful feminine energy can flow freely. When we know how to connect the pelvic area with our heart and head, this gives a feeling of coming home in ourselves. From this anchor point you learn to feel better and better about what you need, to trust your intuition and to be at full strength in life. It is wonderful to see when women connect with their pelvic area - the primal force - and are able to create a free flow with movements that serve them in that specific moment."

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Danny Karijopawiro

In a ‘former life’ I used to help people with things most people aren’t really interested in, find too difficult, or simply too boring: financial stuff like mortgages and insurances. Nowadays I still fulfill my life purpose with helping other people, but on a total different level: the matters of the heart and soul. Creative and out-of-the-box as I’ve always been, I try to reach out in less conventional ways. My sole purpose: to inspire each and everyone into leading a more fulfilling life.


Joyce Bosch

In 2009 I was ready to change my life from a career in communications to not knowing what to do or whom to be next. In these days I love to combine Pleasure with Pain. With presence and a lot of love and understanding of your body. I guide your body to feel safe and seen.

Through physical & energetical touch I release my clients from physical and/or emotional blockages. Thus life force energy can start flowing again, bringing back pleasure automatically. It gives me great satisfaction, when I see – but above all feel – how much more positive and alive, clients leave my sacred workspace. Regardless of what kind of session I gave them. A feeling the corporate life was never able to give me. Now the security of which I could call my temple, is my office, where my true life purpose comes to full maturity.

Open yourself up to enjoying and living your life to the fullest.

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