The path of Kundalini is about the path of ultimate liberation.
Getting rid of old blockages, stuck mind stuff and ego constructions.
We do not push or force the energy, but are playful and open to it in which profound shifts are made.
This energy finds its way if we surrender to it and let 'the medicine' clear old blockages.
Find out how to open your energy circulation,
Make progress on your path to liberation
Awaken energy that was blocked
Raise your kundalini energy
Every temple has safety as its foundation. So does our temple 'Tantric Galaxy' that follows this workshop.
With this as a starting point, Joyce and Danny will guide you in a playful way through this wonderful cosmos. The do's and don'ts of astral temple life, so to speak. And although our 'Tantric Galaxy' itself actually knows no boundaries, we will make it clear to you that every 'Temple Star' benefits from healthy boundaries. And within those boundaries we challenge you to express yourself as creatively and sensually as possible.
You may leave prejudices and assumptions on this earth, and all other things that will not serve us.
And even if you do not float into our 'Tantric Galaxy' after this, we promise you that you will also have learned something here for your everyday life. But if you feel the expansion to leave the everyday behind for a moment, come and experience how you too can become the embodiment of a 'juicy Temple Star'!
A Sacred Union of Love
Step into a sacred space where the divine feminine and masculine merge in holy remembrance. In this deeply devotional ritual, we invoke the presence of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, embodying love, healing, sexual alchemy and sacred union. Through prayer, breath, movement, and embodied devotion, we open to the mystery of Eros as a gateway to the divine. Surrender into the mystery where spirit and body merge, and let the sacred lead you into deeper communion with the divine.
"Surrender into Zouk – The Art of Flow & Connection in Partner Dance
Brazilian Zouk is more than a dance - it is a journey of surrender, trust, and deep connection. In this workshop, we explore the essence of leading and following as a sacred dialogue between two souls. Through breath, fluid Zouk movements, and heart-aligned presence, we dissolve resistance and awaken to the magic of flow.
Allow the music to guide you, your body to soften, and your heart to open. Whether you are new to Zouk or refining your dance, this is an invitation to let go, feel deeply, and move as one with the rhythm of life. "
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Als we Liefde willen voelen en ontvangen, moeten we ons eraan kunnen overgeven. Simpel en tegelijkertijd een van de moeilijkste dingen om te doen. Kwetsbaarheid is hier de sleutel. Ons hart openhouden en Liefde ons laten leiden in de authentieke stroom van hart tot hart.
Kom en duik dieper in overgave aan liefde in deze veilige, niet-seksuele speeltuin waar we de kunst van overgave verkennen.If we want to feel and receive Love, we have to be able to surrender to it. Simple and at the same time one of the most difficult things to do. Vulnerability is key here. Keeping our heart open and allowing Love to guide us in the authentic flow from heart to heart.
Come and dive deeper in surrendering to love in this safe, non-sexual playground where we explore the art of surrender.
The Temple is a special place where you can delve deeper into the Temple arts. Dress code required for the temple. How would you express your authenticity through your evening wear? What represents the fullest expression of YOU? There will be a strong emphasis on creating a safe space. To make this evening accessible to everyone, we have chosen to keep the underwear on. There is so much more possible than the “preconceptions of what sensuality should look like”. This is your chance to expand your Eros range.
Sexual energy is one of the powerful energies that we have at our disposal: It is the power that is able to transform us completely and to develop all our possibilities, it is also closely connected to our creativity.
During the workshop you are invited to surrender and allow your sexual energy so that this energy can flow through the kundalini channels and the chakras throughout the body. During the workshop you lie comfortably on a mat. Energy work, music and intuitive healing touches are used to support you in this process.
What you can experience:
- Emotional release.
- Flow of sexual energy.
- Full body energy orgasms.
- Feelings of bliss and unity.
Tantric Dance The Blue Lotus
A dance of giving and receiving, where one is in charge and the other is blindfolded in the dance. The challenge is to stay very close to yourself, but at the same time to be connected to the other. An exercise in being open and grounded.
Also known as the sacred blue water lily was a very important flower in Egyptian mythology that has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine and ceremonies in ancient Egypt. It was seen as a symbol of the sun and considered sacred and associated with the god Horus and the goddess Isis. This was because they saw the flower open every morning, causing a beautiful golden heart to appear between the blue leaves and spread a wonderfully sweet scent. This image resembled the air that greeted the sun in the early morning. In the afternoon, the flower closed again and then opened again the next morning.
The Egyptians believed that Blue Lotus has the power to open the mind and soul to higher states of consciousness and can be seen a lot in the walls of temples, tombs and pyramids.
An understand of the new man psychology, energy and spirituality.
By looking into the ancient patriarchic energies that have formed and conditioned men over millennia, we can take ownership and transform instinctual habits into intuitive and Soul guided potentials. To serve the new needs of society and contribute to a gradually awakening planetary consciousness.
When you become energy sensitive a whole world opens up for you. A deep intimacy awakens. First with yourself, then with another.
You start to experience an entire range of feelings, emotions and vibrations that exist both in and around you. As you come into alignment with this, a deep intimacy starts to awaken. You start to experience yourself in an entirely new and enriching way. The world of energy awakens for you.
As you start share this experience with another, this intimacy, you also start to experience “the other” in an entirely new way. The feelings you start to experience as two energy-sensitive beings come together, truly unleashes the ecstasy of the unknown. For when two unique individuals meet another, the impossible feels possible.
You are invited to come to discover yourself in a profoundly enriching way, and through awareness, grace and courage, will explore the gift of opening and sharing the richness of your being, first with yourself, and then with another.
Step into a playful, dynamic exploration of your body’s limitless potential! In this workshop, we’ll create living sculptures from our bodies, celebrating the beauty, strength, and creativity of our bodies through movement and co-creation. Feel the energy rise and fall as you connect with your body’s natural rhythms, discovering its incredible flexibility and power. Through a fun, interactive game, you’ll experience the joy of collaboration, awareness, and self-expression like never before. Don’t miss this unique chance to fall in love with your body—and every body—while embracing the art of surrender and play. Let’s move, create, and celebrate together!
What does it truly mean to 'be in the body'? This fun and educational workshop dives into practical tools and games that help you tune in to your body’s wisdom and its unique needs. Explore the art of spontaneity, sensitivity, and presence as you observe, act, and respond in the moment. Learn to lead and surrender in harmony with your body’s natural rhythm. Our bodies are temples of wisdom—this is your chance to connect deeply, listen to its desires, and communicate with clarity and love. Start your day by honoring your body and embracing its powerful guidance!
Heb je zin in:
Meer verbinding met jezelf en anderen? Leren hoe je meer ontspanning en plezier kunt ervaren in je leven? Bewuste aanraking beoefenen zowel in geven als ontvangen? Ontdekken en leren communiceren over je verlangens en grenzen?
Doe dan mee met de Tantric Touch workshop. We richten ons vooral op verbinding, bewuste aanraking en massage. We werken met meditatie, lichaamsbewustzijn en oefeningen om je te helpen meer in contact te komen met jezelf en je lichaam om van daaruit op een dieper niveau te kunnen verbinden met anderen.
Deze workshop is voor iedereen die nieuwsgierig is naar Tantra, ongeacht je ervaring.
Je kunt alleen komen of met een (gelegenheids)partner. Iedereen is welkom!
Kom je met een partner dan is er de mogelijkheid om alles samen te doen én ook om te wisselen van partner en je dus te mengen in en met de groep.
Are you interested in:
More connection with yourself and others? Learning how to experience more relaxation and pleasure in your life? Practicing conscious touch in both giving and receiving? Discovering and learning to communicate about your desires and boundaries?
Then join the Tantric Touch workshop. We focus mainly on connection, conscious touch and massage. We work with meditation, body awareness and exercises to help you get more in touch with yourself and your body in order to connect with others on a deeper level.
This workshop is for everyone who is curious about Tantra, regardless of your experience.
You can come alone or with a (occasional) partner. Everyone is welcome!
If you come with a partner, there is the possibility to do everything together and also to change partners and thus mingle in and with the group.
Tantric dance is a wonderful way to discover how the alchemy of life works for you. And we mean EVERYTHING in life, including sexuality!
In Tantric dance we work with the polarities of leading and surrender.
In this workshop we guide you to a place where you can bring your energy as a leader. Are you ready to make an impact and play with the flow of sexuality? Do you dare to move from your playful sensual power? Do you want to discover how you can continue to do this in connection with your follower?
And as a follower, are you willing to sink even deeper into surrender and let yourself be surprised? Can you remain fully present in your body while surrendering to the guidance of another?
We are experienced in working with the sexual flow and ensure that it remains a safe environment. Feel welcome to discover, play and dance!
Blindfolded Self-Connection & Expression
A beautiful practice where we connect with, and nourish, the body completely. Exploring our own rhythm and touch. Becoming aware of the subtleties. Releasing layers while dropping deeper into truth. Giving expression to the felt experience. Gifting ourselves that which we might normally crave from others.
The blindfold simplifies while heightening all the senses. It eliminates distraction and comparison. Are you open to listen? Whether it be playful or challenging, whether it be what you expected or not at all. The invitation is to welcome everything and respond with TLC to exactly that what 'is'.
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Do you want to experience more ownership and self-confidence in your feminine sensuality?
If you tend to be concerned with conforming to an image in sensuality and sexuality as a woman, then this training is really something for you! We will mainly look for your authentic sensuality by offering all kinds of styles in a playful way.
We will use theater, dance, tantra and meditation to experiment with this theme.
We work with:
- Flirting and creating tension and not eliminating it through discomfort
- Feeling your boundaries and your wishes and communicating them in a pleasant way.
- Discovering your own image of being a woman and sensuality and standing up for it.
- Daring to show yourself in your authentic sensuality. No longer hiding behind
your fear of being too much, for example.
- Feeling that your body is yours and that you can enjoy it.
Knuffels! de Kracht van Verbinding en Platonische aanraking
Beleef de magie van verbinding tijdens deze knuffelworkshop! In een veilige en respectvolle omgeving verkennen we de kracht van aanraking, grenzen en consent. Door middel van Wheel of Consent oefeningen en diepe ontspanning ontdek je hoe knuffelen stress vermindert, je geluksgevoel vergroot en je dichter bij jezelf én anderen brengt. Alles gebeurt in een warme setting, waarin jouw grenzen en comfort centraal staan. Laat je omarmen door de helende energie van verbinding en ontdek de vreugde van écht contact!Cuddles! The Power of Connection and Platonic Touch
Experience the magic of connection during this cuddle workshop! In a safe and respectful environment we explore the power of touch, boundaries and consent. Through Wheel of Consent exercises and deep relaxation you will discover how cuddling reduces stress, increases your sense of happiness and brings you closer to yourself and others. Everything happens in a warm setting, in which your boundaries and comfort are central. Let yourself be embraced by the healing energy of connection and discover the joy of real contact!
The difference between infatuation and love is in the depth of the connection. First and foremost the connection with yourself and the love of self. That's your homebase from which you can connect. In this workshop we play with and discover the power of connection from your grounded centre to the other. An exploration of love in connection and the wonder that we all embody.
Welcome to come play, discover and learn.
In love and light Shahid and team.
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