A beautiful way to discover how the alchemy of life works for you. When do you experience flow? What does it take for you to surrender? Can you work with whatever life throws at you rather than fight against it? In tantric dance the polarities of leading and surrender are determined by the blindfold. When you wear the blindfold you take the role of surrendering. When you follow, can you fully surrender to the leadership of the other? How do you stay in your centre and prevent giving yourself away while surrendering? How do you take a certain leadership in surrendering, without taking away the leadership of your leader? When you don’t wear the blindfold your role is to lead. When you lead, can you surrender into that? Can you allow the dance to come through you? How do you deal with your mind which is making all sorts of internal comments on what you do? Can you accept everything what happens and use it as a new ingredient of your creation of the dance? We love to give you the alchemy of Tantric Dance. Feel welcome to explore and play!